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A Daughter Returns: Twirling Puppet Silk Story Scarf, Wearable Art, One of a Kind

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A Daughter Returns: Twirling Puppet Silk Story Scarf, Wearable Art, One of a Kind

Sale Price:$200.00 Original Price:$250.00

One of a Kind

The “story” below is printed on the fabric:

The entrance to Preah Khan, a temple in the Angkor Wat complex, was a long and dusty road. Shaded on either side by trees, we passed kids selling souvenirs, local musicians, and other tourists. We came upon a tree from which a beautiful puppet hung; I touched her lightly so that she would swing to face me as I photographed her. In looking at the image later, I added a twirl that makes it appear as though our puppet friend might be reaching for freedom from the strings that hold her to the tree.

Size is approximately 52 x 52 inches.

Due to the handcrafted process and inherent nature of the materials used, slight variations in color might be visible from the listed photos.

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