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War and Nature: Memorial Water Vines Silk Story Scarf, Wearable Art

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War and Nature: Memorial Water Vines Silk Story Scarf, Wearable Art

Sale Price:$78.00 Original Price:$129.00

6 remaining in edition.

The image on this silk chiffon scarf is from a photocollage of the Illinois Vietnam Memorial in downtown Chicago. This piece came together on a rainy November day as I attended a Veteran's memorial service at this Chicago river front space. The memorial is formal, yet the fountains of water that spring from the front of the wall of names speaks to a freedom that these men and women fought for. The vines in the photograph represent the jungle through which both sides had to fight. For those of you who don't know, my father was KIA in Vietnam in 1967; this event and the area feature prominently in my art and writing.

This is a limited edition of 15, silk chiffon scarf.

Size is approximately 18 x 78 inches.

Due to the handcrafted process and inherent nature of the materials used, slight variations in color might be visible from the listed photos. A "story card" accompanies each scarf.

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